What are the Benefits of Using Testosterone Booster?

Testosterone boosters

Humans are one of the rarest species that can have sex for pleasure, not just for reproduction and testosterone is principal hormone responsible for male human’s sexual health and a lot more. Market takes full advantage of this need of pleasure and fills the pharma store with various kinds of testosterone boosters which are made with harmful chemicals & mostly temporary in their effect but before any of these ever existed, Ayurveda had it all, Rishis & Raj Vaidyas  explored, experimented and extracted the essence of herbs and minerals with great medicinal values to boost testosterone & improve immunity, be it Shudh Shilajit of Himalayas or Ashwagandha they havd been in use for thousands of years in India. 

What are Testosterone boosters

Testosterone boosters are the supplements or ingredients that help to optimize the level of testosterone hormone in men. Testosterone is the main male hormone that is responsible for the most the masculine features such as facial hair, bulky muscles, male vitality & sexual health etc. This hormone is present in bodies as well but in limited amounts. The following are the key functions of the hormones – 

✅ Sex drive

✅ Depth in men’s voice

✅ Facial and body hair

✅ Bone density

✅ Muscles

✅ Body strength 

✅ Growth of testicles as well as penis

Why do we need Testoboosters? 

Modern men have modern issues, more time in front of the screens, twisted relationships, mental health, physical ailments due to changed lifestyle all cost us our hormonal balance. Low levels of testosterones even in youngsters is a great cause of concern. 

Over the counter testosterone boosters are available in the form of transdermal patch, oral pills and injectables, these are either not effective or temporary but they do not address underlying issues. Here are the following resons of low Testosterone levels-

✅ Type 2 Diabetes

✅ Undescended Testes

✅ Pituitary gland related disorders 

✅ Hypothyroidism 

✅ High blood pressure 

✅ Stress, anxiety, depression or poor mental health 

✅ Alcohol 

Various synthetic testosterone alternatives have several side effects in comparison to ayurvedic testosterone booster supplements for men. Acne, hair loss, sleep apnoea, low sperm count, mood swings, depression, fluid retention are some of primary problems that arise with chemical based testosterone booster treatment. 

Benefits of using natural & ayurvedic Testosterone booster – 

  1. Masculine you- The hormone Testobooster is vastly responsible for a muscular body. It also helps in accumulation of appropriate amount of fat as well as enhanced strength. All these benefits of testosterone booster can be boosted with weight and strength training 
  1. Energy all night – You will be alert, active and energetic for the day and night , many studies show that an optimum level of testosterone in the body can keep you going. 
  1. Staminaand sex drive- If yoi have been sad & your partner does not feel the love you have for them, then testosterone booster can give your stamina a kick. Your in between the sheets performance will take yoi to places of pleasure. 
  1. Get that mood right- Mood changes are one of the primary hormonal imbalance side effects, thus, a healthy level of testosterone means happy mood. 
  1. A healthy heart -Research and studies have indicated that an appropriate level of testosterone indicates around 35% less risk of heart strokes. 
  1. Bones like no other- Denser bones are not just for male physiology but they affect strength and physical appearance both. Testosterone helps in maintaining bone density in men. Denser bones helps better muscle attachment and increasing athletic appearance in men. 

Improve your lifestyle too

1.Make sure you exercise a lot, physical activity or exercise os not just for physical fitness but it also gives mental clarity, aids in improving mental health & gland stimulation. 

2. Sound Sleep – Sleep is an important aspect people often seem to ignore undee tge the pretext of work but make sure to sleep for 6-8 hours everyday, let your mind charge up for every day challenges & stamina. 

3. Eat your way to happy hormones- Testosterone is the ‘it’ hormone for men. Make sure you to eat green leafy vegetables, dairy products, good fat and everything else for great hormonal health. 

4.Vitamin D – Vitamins may sound like micro requirements but their presence is major in synthesis of Testosterone and bone related health. 

Testosterone boosts libido, pumps up the level of energy, shapes up the male features in humans, most men loose the level of testosterone as they age but there are several reasons as mentioned above that can lead to premature decrease of testosterone levels. Synthetic Testobooster supplements should be taken with precautions as they do more harm while Ayurvedic Testobooster are relatively safer. 

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