5 Ways To Calm Your Combative Dog

5 Ways To Calm Your Combative Dog

Introducing a dog to the household as a new family member can be a great addition. A dog is among the friendliest animals you can own. However, certain circumstances or lifestyles might make canines violent, and it’s essential to know some techniques for calming an aggressive dog.

Owning a violent dog can be very stressful due to the constant worry that your pup might gravely hurt someone or another dog. Yet this doesn’t suggest that you stop adoring your dog. Assist them in achieving a sense of calm and becoming more responsible. Do you desire to learn how to appease a vicious dog? This piece covers the crucial actions for handling hostile dog behavior.

Aggression In Dogs

Aggression is a powerful, extreme response to a perceived external danger. Dogs, like people, naturally react to fear in three ways: fight, flight, or freeze. Aggression is an expression of the fight reaction. This suggests that fear is the fundamental cause of all hostility.

A dog can detect various dangers, including invaders, opponents, and other animals. Hostile and terrified dogs are unable to distinguish between real and imagined threats. Thus, many violent dogs are considered unstable due to their owner’s difficulty in comprehending the causes of their aggression.

You can control your dog’s aggressive behavior in many ways, including treating them with CBD dog treats, identifying the causes of such behavior, changing their environment, and playing with them.  

Detecting Aggression

A hostile dog exhibits dominant and combative behaviors. Cues may be more nuanced or apparent based on how endangered your pet feels. The actions listed below all contribute to a violent posture. Your furry friend may exhibit some or all of these signs:

  • Threatening to bark.
  • Irritability.
  • Charging forward.
  • Stalking.
  • Biting.
  • Still stance.
  • High arousal.
  • Snarling.
  • Snapping.

Dogs usually display these characteristics, although they occasionally attack without exhibiting overt aggression. You can prevent dogs from attacking people if you deeply understand their behavior. Nevertheless, often they show signals of hostility before attacking or biting. If your pup exhibits any of the listed tendencies, it’s probably wise to take steps to curb the hostility.

Calming A Hostile Dog

1. Assess the Situation

The initial step in managing a hostile dog’s behavior is evaluating the situation. The following are some forms of aggression to look out for:

Territorial aggression

Dogs get vicious when you violate their territory. If, for instance, an outsider visits your residence, they can potentially display aggressive behaviors. Your pet perceives them as a threat, even if they are a friend or relative.

Protective aggression

Dogs are social creatures and are loyal to their group. Therefore, a hostile dog might attempt to defend you, their group, from another individual or creature. New mothers could get furious or combative with their pups and anyone approaching them.

Possessive aggression

A dog may develop possessive tendencies and protect its resources. This could be the case with their meals, toys, or a bone.

Defensive aggression

A fearful dog could act aggressively to fend off an aggressor. They could bite or growl when cornered, hurt, or defending themselves.

Social aggression

A canine with social hostility might not get along with other puppies. This commonly occurs when your dog hasn’t acquainted with other animals or individuals.

Frustration aggression

This tendency is common in dogs confined using a leash. They may exhibit indicators of frustration-aggression if you fail to pay them adequate attention.

Predatory aggression

Unpredictable behavior in a dog can be the result of its predatory impulses.

2. Determine the Triggers

Now that you’re aware of the many forms of aggression, it’s time to pinpoint the catalysts. You can create a good strategy if you are conscious of the root cause of your pet’s hostility. Nevertheless, it’s important to remember that dodging triggers isn’t a long-term fix. It will just act as your starting point for receiving the appropriate solution. If your dog starts biting guests, confine the animal to a different room.

3. Don’t Respond Violently To Violent Behavior

It’s vital to keep your cool when your pet becomes violent. If they start barking at a kid, another dog, or an object, remain calm. Your initial inclination might be to rebuke or reprimand them, but doing so might be counterproductive. Loud reprimands might exacerbate the situation and cause your pup to begin defending itself. Your dog might even interpret your response as fear and attempt to shield you from danger.

If your dog becomes hostile towards you, consider reducing the societal pressure. Take cues from dogs, such as tilting your head and dropping your gaze. This communicates that you are not a risk.

4. Train Them

Poor pet treatment is frequently the cause of dogs acting aggressively out of dissatisfaction. Before acquiring one, it’s vital to consider your livelihood. Your puppy may begin misbehaving if you’re too occupied to care for them.

If your canine is acting aggressively out of frustration, think about your lifestyle. Schedule some time in your day to devote to your pet. Accompany them for a stroll to help them release their energy. You could also seek the services of a professional trainer for better results.

5. Adjust Your Dog’s Surrounding

Altering your dog’s setting can reduce hostility. However, ensure you slightly modify the surroundings because a significant shift can overstimulate them. Alternatively, provide your dog with new toys or tweak their meals. Also, avoid other hostile dogs and try new routes when walking your dog outside.


Dogs are wonderful companions, but managing antagonism can be challenging. Use these suggestions and begin improving your pet’s behavior. But remember, it takes time to show results, and you must be patient with continuously implementing these tips.

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